Monday, November 26, 2018

Your Guide to CELPIP Listening Success

Listening is the first of the four communicative skills assessed by CELPIP. Read on to find out what you need to know and do to ace that section of the high-stakes exam.

Monday, November 19, 2018

CELPIP Hacks: Commonly Confused Words You Need to Get Right (Pt. 1)

There are many reasons why people misuse various English words. Some terms are confused for another due to their almost identical spelling. Others for their similar pronunciations. As a CELPIP taker, you can’t afford to mix up words no matter how alike they seem. Here’s why.

         ·         It will keep you from following the audio recordings in the listening exam.
         ·         It will limit your understanding of the texts in the reading exam.
         ·         It will mar the content and impact of your responses in the writing and speaking exams. 

So, build up your English vocabulary during your CELPIP preparation exam period. Below is a list of words that even native English speakers often misuse. Make sure you apply them correctly when you take the test.

Monday, November 12, 2018

How to Apply the Chunking Method in Your CELPIP Preparation

Are you looking for a simple study strategy to boost your CELPIP preparation? One of the most practical learning techniques that you can use to enhance not only your critical-thinking, but also your communication skills is the Chunking Method.

Monday, November 5, 2018

WARNING: These Bad Habits Increase Memory Lapses

Memory lapses can sabotage your chances of CELPIP success. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to avoid them and enhance your short- and long-term memory. Start by dropping the following habits.